People Can't Comprehend Romanian Woman's Glow-Up

Benjamin Button is a fictional character, and aging in reverse sounds miserable.

By Daniel Bonfiglio

Published 1 year ago in Wow

Benjamin Button is a fictional character, and aging in reverse sounds miserable.

Benjamin Button is a fictional character, and aging in reverse sounds miserable. But that doesn’t mean looking better with age is impossible. In colloquial terms, we would call it a ‘glow-up,’ and the internet is currently obsessed with one in particular.

@RoxyTall, an Australian daughter of Romanian immigrants, decided to post a picture of her own transformation on Twitter. Featuring one photo at 14 years old, and one at 30.

“Okay, first of all, that is NOT you when you were 14, and second you are NOT 30,” @cassidyincandle commented. Plenty of viewers also thought Roxy was lying.

“I suspect this is fake,” @technomancers said. “Was that first also somehow taken in 1981?” @iamjustadude asked. Roxy even posted screenshots of her many doubters.

But as of now, Roxy has only continued to confirm that the pictures are real. “I was just awkward and wearing whatever my mum bought for me tbh,” she acknowledged.

“I didn't believe you until you said you grew up in Romania,” @gnrtvty confessed. “There are probably 14-year-olds dressed like this in Cluj as we speak.”

Roxy’s glow-up has even inspired other people to post their own impressive transformations. I would imagine most people think they look better as an adult than they did as teenagers. I know I do.

The internet can be far too quick to rate appearances, and make judgments. Just take TikTok’s April Spring Glow-Up trend. But it’s important for us to remember to take care of ourselves, no matter what stage of life we’re in, and remember that with love, time heals all. 

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